Development platforms, ASIC & FPGA

Icicle HDMI breakout

This repository contains open hardware design files for Antmicro's expansion board compatible with the PolarFire SoC FPGA Icicle Evaluation Kit from Microchip.. The design files were created in KiCad. The expansion board breaks out an HDMI interface on a regular HDMI connector. The TMDS data going out of this connector are connected to the FPGA fabric in MPFS250T-FCVG484EES PolarFire SoC. The expansion board should be connected to the J26 expansion connector on the Icicle board. For more information regarding the electrical connections please refer to the schematic sheets and compare them against the offcial documentation of the PolarFire Icicle kit.


5 years ago



KiCad schematic(56.00%)
KiCad PCB(43.71%)

Icicle HDMI breakout

Copyright (c) 2020 Antmicro

icicle hdmi breakout


This repository contains open hardware design files for Antmicro's expansion board compatible with the PolarFire SoC FPGA Icicle Evaluation Kit from Microchip.. The design files were created in KiCad. The expansion board breaks out an HDMI interface on a regular HDMI connector. The TMDS data going out of this connector are connected to the FPGA fabric in MPFS250T-FCVG484EES PolarFire SoC. The expansion board should be connected to the J26 expansion connector on the Icicle board. For more information regarding the electrical connections please refer to the schematic sheets and compare them against the offcial documentation of the PolarFire Icicle kit.

Repository structure

The main repository directory contains KiCad PCB project files, LICENSE and README. The remaining files are stored in the following directories:

  • 3d-model - contains a mechanical model of the board in the stl mesh format
  • lib - contains the component libraries
  • doc - contains selected files for device fabrication (schematic in PDF, BoM)
  • img - contains graphics for this README

Dimensions and layout

The image below presents the HDMI expansion board's dimensions and layout.

icicle hdmi breakout mechanical



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